Is Your Semi Truck Down?
What do you usually do when your truck is down? When your semi truck is down, you do not have to panic and fret. Stay calm and plan on the things you need to do. To do things without planning will do more harm to yourself than to your truck. So, what should be done? You only need to remember a few things before you take actions. Be aware of your safety. If your semi truck is down on a busy highway, stay inside your vehicle and take time to call 911. This is to ensure your safety when there is an existing accident or you are carrying delicate goods. This will help ensure that your goods are protected to its best condition. You may also lay out flares or put on lights to help the people around that your truck needs attention. Take time to plan and do not panic. Be aware of your location. Your location should be your next concern. It is best to carry a smart phone with GPS to identify your route and name of the street to easily inform others on your location. If you are not the owner of